Diego Regules
Photo of Diego

Diego Regules

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Diego loves to work with technology products that aim to make the world a smarter place. Previously, this drive led him to found Gapelia Inc and launch Folio.is from Harvard Innovation Lab in Cambridge.

Currently, he advises IT executives on enterprise technology solutions across EMEA businesses going through digital transformation journeys. Before, he worked as a Senior IT Advisor at EY in New York City, serving the major financial services organizations in the world. Diego has a degree in IT & Web Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). While at university, Diego worked as a developer in the technology internship program at Merrill Lynch Commodities in Houston, TX, and Bank of America in New York. Also, he co-created the first educational chapter of the Social Media Club in upstate New York.

Best way to get in touch is to drop him a line. He's currently based in Spain.